The Twin Rivers Chapter ? ODS is seeking some volunteer support for their ODS League show this coming Sunday in Eugene, especially the 9 ? 11 AM shift in the positions of gate, warm-up arena and runner for the judge (no experience necessary!). ?Other shifts are available, too! ?If you can help, please contact Linda Eaton at or 541 485-3438. Come support your friends and enjoy the day!
Friday, July 27, 2012
On Bond Investing - Wall Street - eWallstreeter
From: The Aleph Blog - 5:30am - July 26, 2012When it comes to bonds I have four main ideas. Invest in areas where you are more than adequately compensated for the risks. Try to be as unconstrained as possible. After a credit crash, wait for the momentum to return to credit, and pile on. During a time of debt deflation, be willing to hold [...]
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bricks matter, supply chain excellence
Yesterday, I met a friend for coffee. She started the discussion with a question,??How are you doing? So, what is it like to write a book? What have you learned?? I smiled.?The question brought back?so many flashbacks. My mind filled with emotion. It quickly short-circuited between the shear frustration of reading the seventh, and what I hope are the final?round of edits on Chapter 5, and my rising excitement to soon hold a finished?copy of the book?that I have been working on for the past?six months. While I have?a co-author, Charlie Chase,?it has been hard work.
The book is titled Bricks Matter and it is currently listed on Amazon to publish in January.?My answer?to her?was that ?Writing 96,000 words is easier said than done. And, it can best be summed up through sharing the story of a pig and an elephant.??We then discussed the story of the pig and the elephant.
My Journey:
The book is based on nine years of experience?working with supply chain leaders. I thought that it would be easy. Prior to writing the book, I had?penned over 700 articles, worked on over 80 quantitative studies and had the support administrative assistance and?a researcher that helped me identify trends on financial balance sheets and annual reports. I love to write. However, it was not easy. It is easier to talk about the book that you are writing than to write one.
I was excited to start. I remember the discussions at the start of the process?of writing this book like they were yesterday.??I had written a book abstract and energetically shopped it around.? I was naive. I thought acceptance would be easy.?I was wrong. No one was interested in a book about supply chain from an unpublished author.?I was unknown and the consensus was that a book about supply chain would be ?boring.? I have taken it as a personal mission to prove them wrong.??In the book, I have tried to make?supply chain anything but boring. So, I smiled when my friend asked the question.
For many,?writing a book?is a rite of passage; but it is not always a labor of love. For me, it has been both. In the winter, I attended a?Monitor Event (Access to Minds). It was?a gathering with other thought leaders. We were?speaking about book publishing. ?I?was naive. I was surprised how many attendees were?published authors, but?had outsourced the writing of their book to a?ghost writer.? Not so for this old gal: I have pounded the keyboard on planes, in hotel rooms?and at the end of my kitchen table for sixty hours/week for the past six months. To write the book ,we analyzed twenty-five years of annual reports and seventy-five interviews. Each chapter took six months to write, and it has now been read by four editors. We have gotten approval on forty-one case studies/quotes and written and rewritten the book chapter by chapter.
I can now?roll out of bed and not have ?write chapter X? on my to-do list.?It is gone from my desk and on its way to the printer.
So, here I thought that I would share insights?from the book based on?a question that another friend asked me at a strategy day in New Jersey last week. His question was,??So after writing your book, what is your advice for supply chain leaders?? What are the top points that you would highlight for them to consider??? This is the subject of this blog post.
My Advice:
I firmly believe that we do not have supply chain best practices.?Instead, I think that we have emerging practices. In the interviews for the book, I spoke to?seventy-five supply chain pioneers. It was?good for me to reflect back, to think about the evolution, and hear the energy?in the voices of the pioneers?as?they spoke of forging the processes that we know?today.?It gave me perspective.
In the building of today?s supply chain processes, I think that we ?got side-ways? in the evolution of applications.? We confused requirements for systems of record with systems of commerce and decision support.
We implemented a lot of technology and continuous improvement programs without a long-term road map. Today, companies have a lot of systems that they just don?t use.
So, in short, my advice for a supply chain leader, in advance of getting a copy of my book, are?nine points:
- Know?Total Supply Chain Costs. This sounds simple, but it is not. I am amazed by how few companies really know their total supply chain costs. While they have had a myopic cost focus over the past two decades, it has been very focused on the vertical silos of manufacturing, distribution?or procurement.?They know the costs inside these silos very well. They do not know the trade-offs of the costs across the silos well. Very few (my estimate is 5%) know their total supply chain costs and can make decisions to effectively trade-off the costs of make, source and deliver. In the words of one pioneer, ?My cylinders are firing hard, they just are not all firing together and in the same direction.? The key is alignment of the functions to the supply chain strategy with a clear focus on total costs. Supply chain leaders just cannot get there without a strong supply chain finance group.
- Rethink Metrics. Start at the?Ends and Work towards the Middle.??The ends of the supply chain are fragile. One of the stumbling blocks is metrics. As long as we reward sales teams?on volume and procurement organizations?on purchased costs, progress on building the end-to-end supply chain will be fretful and slow. One of the companies that I admire gave me insights on this?last week. They said, ?When we changed our equivalent unit measurement from a volume-based to a profit-based unit, it became much easier to drive supply chain excellence.? This happened for them fifteen years ago and I think that it has been a cornerstone of their success.
- Redesign Outside-in. This sounds simple. It is not. While companies complain about their lack of flexibility, and the slowness of the supply chain?response, they have been slow to question historic practices and to use new forms of data to sense market conditions. They have clung to traditional forms of transactional data?like they were?tablets handed down by Moses?from Mount Sinai. New forms of data along with new capabilities in analytics give us the ability to decrease latency, improve demand sensing and decrease the bullwhip effect. Yet, too few are trying.
- Define the CSR Program for Value.? The first Fortune 100 manufacturer to publish a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program was Dow Chemical in 1996. Procter and Gamble followed suite in 1999. Since then, all Fortune 100 manufacturers have some form of a CSR program. However, most are disjointed. Most focus on cost control?not on the greater proposition of using the CSR program to redefine value.? Some of my favorite stories for the book were Toms Shoes and IBM Global Asset Recovery (GARS).?With every pair of new shoes sold, Toms Shoes distributes a pair of shoes to a needy child.? As of 2012, they have distributed? over 1 million shoes in 25 countries. It is part of their brand promise. In a similar vein of making corporate?social responsibility part of the brand promise, in 2002, the IBM GARS group pioneered a reverse logistics process to refurbish equipment and prepare it for resale. Products are recycled?through demanufacturing?and manufacturing processes over and over again.?In 2011, the GARS group processes 33,038 metric tons, or 73.4 million pounds, of high-tech and electronics products.? Less than 1% of the electronic materials are scrapped in landfills.
- Align and Coalesce Value Networks. When companies say the term ?network?, they think of ?supply networks?. However, I see leaders working on demand, supply and design networks in separate and distinct programs.?I believe that the evolution of Market-driven Value Networks will see these coalesce to drive more value.? While supply networks are a natural extension of supplier development efforts, design and demand networks are newer.? In the book, I share insights on how leaders build demand networks to improve the transparency of demand data with channel partners.?Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is a good example of a company that has transformed its business model through the use of design networks.
- ?Define your Terms and Build a Supply Chain Strategy. Use Them to Build a Guiding Coalition. While all companies want to drive supply chain excellence, they are not clear what this means to them.? The problem is that most companies that I work with do not have a clear supply chain strategy and they unknowingly ask for teams to work on supply chain excellence using vague terms that are not actionable.?I get to read many supply chain strategy documents; and I see. over and over again, for?99% of supply chain strategy documents that I read, I see that?the company wants to have an efficient, agile and responsive supply chain. However, when I ask companies to define what this means, they look at me with a blank stare. There are no industry specific definitions for the terms ?efficient?, ?responsive?, and ?agile?. They need to be defined.
- Initiate Continuous Improvement Programs in Demand Planning and Focus on Forecast Value-Added Analysis.?My advice for all is to stop trying to get perfect on imperfect numbers. Instead, measure bias and error and try to reduce it, but design supply chain network and inventory systems to use the ?probability of demand? not the ?absolute number.? I am a big fan of Forecast Value-added Analysis. It is explained well in Mike Gilliland?s book, the Business Forecasting Deal (reference
- Understand your Supply Chain DNA and Build Supply Chain Potential. Each supply chain has its own supply chain potential. Leadership in the supply chain needs to drive the right mix of strength, agility and balance while managing the trade-offs of customer service, forecast accuracy, inventory management, costs, corporate social responsibility, and asset utilization. This is easier said than done. Supply chains are complex.?The trade-offs are not intuitive. To meet this challenge, I recommend that companies invest in network and inventory modeling technologies.? One company?s work that I am impressed with in this area is General Mills. They are using Llamasoft?s new Supply Chain Sherpa (application on tablet) to help teams better understand supply chain trade-offs in decision making. For more on the work that they are doing check out this U-tube video
- Go Horizontal.??By now this theme may be like beating a dead horse for the reader, because I know that I hit it hard and often. However,?it is worth noting that the processes of the last decade were vertical supporting the strong silos of make, source and deliver. To build the end-to-end supply chain from the customer?s customer to the supplier?s supplier these strong vertical silos need to be connected by horizontal processes. The most common are revenue management, sales and operations planning, supplier development and corporate social responsibility. Without strong horizontal processes, you cannot achieve balance or drive agility.
- Processes are Evolving. We do not have Best Practices. Instead, we have Evolving Practices.? I started my career as an industry analyst believing that we have ?best practices?. After studying the evolution of practices for the last ten years, I now know that the practices are evolving. It is like riding a moving sidewalk. They evolve right underneath our feet.?I hope that the book gives you and your teams some perspective for the journey.
As for the pig and the elephant, my lips are sealed. Their stories lie deep within the book. They are?light-hearted stories?that I hope that you can use to better understand how to drive supply chain excellence.?They?enrich the story of Bricks Matter. ?To learn more,? you will just have to read?it for yourself.
On a side note, I am now building training modules that will launch with the book. Each chapter will have interactive training and will come complete with experiential exercises. The training is designed for teams that want to learn more about what drives supply chain excellence.? You can follow the development of the training modules through the Supply Chain Insights Community ( launches on September 5th, 2012.? Let me know if you would like to try it out with your team.
This week, I have a week at home to write reports. Look for three new reports to go up on our website this month.? We publish reports openly on and at Let us know your thoughts. We would love to hear from you.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
WildAlchemist: Easy, natural ways to reduce skin cancer risk
Skin cell damage is caused by oxidative stress from free radicals, which manifests as sunburn. It's the same process that causes metals to rust and apples to brown. Although oxidation cannot be completely avoided, oxidation must be minimized to avoid free radical damage.
Oxidative stress is both the cause and the consequence of disease. Contrary to what allopathic dermatologists recommend, a daily, moderate dose of sun without sunscreen is actually beneficial for the skin.
Bare skin exposed to direct sunshine boosts vitamin D3 production in your body, but it should be moderate. 20 minutes; three or four times a week during peak sunlight hours is sufficient for most vitamin D3 requirements. Then there are supplements that can be added as well.
Antioxidants are the key to reducing oxidative stress. Molecules with missing electrons are called oxidants; whose primary activity is replacing their missing electron by stealing an electron from another molecule. This, in turn, causes a molecular domino effect of oxidative stress that can lead to disease.
The magic of antioxidants is the well researched fact that they can donate an electron to an oxidant without in turn becoming a free radical. Antioxidants stop the cascading free radical effect and reduce free radical damage.
Minimizing free radical damage to skin cells can be boosted by the right diet. Eating lots of fresh, organic plant-based foods is the key. Plants thrive on sunlight while using their own flavonoids to protect them from excess oxidation. You can borrow those flavonoids by eating plants.
Other internal nutrients for your skin
A high quality multivitamin with the full spectrum of vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), mixed cartenoids and zinc would be helpful for maintaining healthy skin as well as, ironically, vitamin D3 supplements.
Good fats are important. Skin cells contain fats. Avoid processed trans-fatty oils and use cold pressed virgin olive or coconut oils for salads and cooking. Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for the full spectrum of health issues. Chia seeds, ground flax seeds, and uncontaminated fish oils are good sources of omega-3.
Moisture is essential for skin health. Hydrating sufficiently is an important key. One guideline offered for sufficient hydration is how often you're compelled to urinate, which should be every two to four hours.
External factors to help prevent skin cancer
Choosing a topical skin moisturizer requires some serious label reading. For starters, make sure the sources are organic. Pesticides and insecticides damage the skin and can be absorbed internally. Avoid moisturizers with chemicals and preservatives.
If your complexion is very fair, you may need to use a sunscreen part of the time. Use one that contains zinc or titanium oxide to block the UV rays. However, the darker one's skin, the more one can endure time under the sun. Notice how the well tanned stay under the sun while those with fair complexions begin to burn.
Parabens are preservatives in almost anything sold outside of health food stores for topical application. They are carcinogenic all by themselves. Parabens are in colognes, perfumes, and lipsticks. Most underarm deodorants contain aluminum.
You don't need oxidative stress from sunburn damage with the parabens in most commercial cosmetics. They'll help you get skin cancer without any exposure to the sun. But there is very little attention on cosmetics from allopathic dermatologists. They simply make you afraid of the sun and tell you to use carcinogenic sun screens.
Here's a guide for cosmetic product ingredients: (
Source -
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Zynga stock tanks after weak 2Q report
NEW YORK (AP) ? Zynga's stock is tanking after the online game maker reported a loss in the second quarter, with adjusted earnings and revenue below Wall Street's already-low expectations.
The company behind games such as "CityVille" and "FarmVille" also lowered its outlook for the year because of delayed games, reduced expectations for its "Draw Something" game and what it called a "more challenging environment on the Facebook Web platform."
Zynga derives nearly all of its revenue from games played on Facebook, and a growing number of Facebook users are accessing the social network using mobile devices rather than computers. That hurts Web-based games such as Zynga's.
Zynga Inc. said Wednesday that it lost $22.8 million, or 3 cents per share, in the April-June quarter. That's down from earnings of $1.4 million a year ago when it was still privately held. Its per-share results last year were at breakeven.
Adjusted earnings in the latest quarter were a penny per share, below expectations of 5 cents per share.
Zynga's revenue grew 19 percent to $332 million. Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected $342.8 million.
Zynga had a lot riding on this quarter. Investors had been punishing its stock because of worries about declining user numbers.
But the results provided no relief. Zynga's stock sank $2.09, or 41 percent, to $2.99 in after-hours trading after the results came out. The stock had closed up 16 cents at $5.08 during the regular session.
Facebook's stock also declined after Zynga's announcement. The bad news from Zynga could hurt Facebook, which reports its earnings on Thursday. Facebook's stock fell $2.54, or 8.7 percent, to $26.80 in after-hours trading.
Zynga also said Wednesday that its chairman and CEO, Mark Pincus, became the beneficial owner of more than 50 percent of the company's voting power through stock he owns.
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Monday, July 23, 2012
Norway marks anniversary of Breivik massacre
Some 50,000 people attended a concert in Oslo on Sunday evening to mark the first anniversary of the gun and bomb rampage by Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, which claimed 77 lives.
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg had earlier led tributes to the victims of the massacre during ceremonies at the two attack sites on the island of Utoeya, and during a church service.
Standing in the rain, many of them carrying roses, tens of thousands of people gathered outside Oslo city hall for the tribute concert, which featured US rock star Bruce Springsteen.
Breivik's attack began in Oslo, where he set off a massive bomb outside the main government building, killing eight, before travelling to the island to carry out his shooting spree.
The tribute concert was attended by members of the royal family, including Prince Haakon and Princess Martha Louise. Police put the turn-out at around 50,000.
Stoltenberg, welcoming the crowd, hailed the emergency services and all those who had worked to heal those affected by the killings.
"We had a choice," he said.
"We could have retreated into our homes in fear. And barricaded ourselves behind a wall of mistrust.
"Instead we turned to each other and built bridges of trust...
"We made the right choice. There is no better protection against terrorism than openness, democracy and humanity."
The first to perform was Iranian-Swedish singer-songwriter Laleh, an embodiment of the multiculturalism so hated by Breivik.
Veteran performer Springsteen sang the song that in the 1960s was an anthem for the African-American civil rights movement: "We Shall Overcome," and dedicated the song to those who lost loved ones in the attacks.
Stoltenberg at a ceremony on Utoeya, where Breivik gunned down 69 people at a summer camp for members of the Labour Youth League, said: "Let us honour the dead by celebrating life."
Stoltenberg was speaking to around 1,000 members of the league, the youth section of the Labour party, several of whom were survivors of the assault.
The audience bowed their heads as he spoke.
"Even now, after a year has passed, it is impossible to fully comprehend the extent of the fear and suffering..." on the island last year, he said.
"This makes all that has happened since then even more impressive."
Earlier Sunday, Stoltenberg said that despite the great suffering Breivik had caused, he "failed to achieve what he set out to do. The people triumphed".
Young people, refusing to accept that anyone should die because of their beliefs, had responded to the attacks by becoming more politically active, he told the gathering.
Stoltenberg also met relatives of those killed and laid a wreath on the island.
The island ceremony began with a minute of silence and two songs sung by survivor Renate Taarnes, who saw her boyfriend killed.
Some of those present at the ceremony were overcome with emotion and had to leave early, but there were hugs and laughter amid the tears.
"Even though we carry a heavy burden, we are still standing," said Eskil Pedersen, leader of the party's youth wing, who was one of those who escaped the massacre.
"He took some of our loveliest roses, but he could not stop the springtime."
Earlier, dozens gathered on Utoeya to leave flowers and stones engraved with the names of Breivik's victims in a tribute to family members killed in the attack.
"I was a pastor for many years and helped many people in mourning," Roald Linaker told public television NRK.
"But I never fully understood that it hurt so much," he added. Linaker lost a son in the attack.
"We victims live with what happened on July 22 every day," said Viljar Hanssen, who lost an eye in the attack.
"Families of the victims live with July 22 every day. The absence of those taken from us will be just as intense tomorrow," he told NRK.
"Whether the calendar says it's April 20 or July 23 makes little difference to me," he added.
Stoltenberg began Sunday's commemorations by laying a wreath near the spot where the bomb went off at the government building. From there, he joined Norway's king and queen at a memorial service at Oslo's cathedral.
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Kids and Teens ?A? | CrossFit-HR
Sunday, 22 July 2012 16:42 Last Updated on Sunday, 22 July 2012 16:42 Written by Jeredb 0 Comments
2 Rounds
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CARETS, California Real Estate Technology Services, is a consolidated MLS property listing data feed comprised of CLAW (Combined LA/Westside MLS), CRISNet MLS (Southland Regional AOR), DAMLS (Desert Area MLS), CRMLS (California Regional MLS), i-Tech MLS (Glendale AOR/Pasadena Foothills AOR) and VCRDS (Ventura County Regional Data Share).
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Sunday, July 22, 2012
User:ColeVogel947 - NEATEC Wiki
From NEATEC Wiki
Generate Leads - Tricks and tips For Lead Generation
In the following paragraphs, I will discuss how you can generate results in your business with free methods. Everyone knows the strength of the internet. But, if you don't know how to leverage this power, you'll never succeed online. So, what exactly are you likely to do relating to this wonderful tool? Well, you can start by taking advantage of the many resources and tools available on the web. Prospecting is the number one way to build a successful business on the internet. This is what you need to do to obtain results fast:
Start top marketing articles. The most powerful way you can get free traffic to your clients are through online article promotion. This method takes a little work, but it's worthwhile! The thing is, whenever you write an article and publish it to the web, you are building natural search traffic with every article you are writing. The key is market research.
When conducting market research, you need to analyze everything. Is your market profitable? Is there a hungry audience prepared to work with you? If you've answered yes to these questions, you can easily write some in-depth articles to help individuals learn something.
If you would like more customers, you have to engage with individuals. Articles are perfect for carrying this out! Lets say that somebody does searching on the internet and finds one of your articles. They browse the article, they like the content, and click on through to your site. That person is a lot more valuable than you think. That like you. If you go back to basic business principles, putting the customer first may be the golden ticket to your success.
Now, you'll need a plan. How many people must you go to your website before you earn profits? Visitors are the important thing to creating this technique work. Let me provide you with a good example of the kind of traffic articles may bring. Let's imagine that you simply write ten articles each day and publish them to the internet. Now, those ten articles will not get much traffic in the beginning. But, as time passes, these articles will be pulling good quality traffic. If you had ten articles that produced 5 web traffic a day, that might be 50 people a day! Do you think that exist some leads out of this kind of traffic? You bet!
However, the only way that this will happen is that if you do the work. You need to find keywords that are low in competition and high searching volume. This is the secret. I suggest that you simply you discover a minimum of five keywords to focus on in your articles. These words should get at least 1000 broad searches per month. You will discover about the specific traffic stats at Google by typing in "keyword suggestion tool" into the search engine. Once you are there, you are able to analyze the keywords that your business is associated with. Ensure that you pick the ones with low competition and high amount of searches each month.
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Living with Bipolar Disorder ? part 1 | Diet-Fitness-Health-Healthy ...
Courtesy of ? Patients talk about diagnosis and living with Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder, which is also referred to as bipolar affective disorder or manic depression, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, cognition, and mood with or without one or more depressive episodes. The elevated moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes, or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of ?normal? mood; but, in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, which is known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to such psychotic symptoms as delusions and hallucinations. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia, and other types, based on the nature and severity of mood episodes experienced; the range is often described as the bipolar spectrum.
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Hundreds Gather In Vigils To Remember 'Dark Knight Rises' Shooting Victims
Aurora, Colorado, residents mourned the 12 killed in Friday's attack.
By Amy Wilkinson
Friends, family and Aurora residents gather at a vigil to mourn the victims of the "Dark Knight Rises" shooting
Photo: Kevork Djansezian/ Getty Images
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Saturday, July 21, 2012
What To Serve At A Vegan BBQ ? That Was Vegan?
Alternate title: What Should I Serve My Crazy Vegan Cousin at my BBQ Next Weekend? I?ve wanted to do a recipe roundup of all my favorite vegan BBQ items for those of you looking for some new ideas, but I got to thinking about how there are probably a lot of omnis out there who have a vegan friend or two and, (if they?re nice omnis) maybe they don?t want to just throw a Boca patty at them and be done with it. Maybe they want to put some thought into it. Maybe they really have no idea what a vegan would want to eat at a BBQ, but after reading this will be so inspired they?ll become vegan themselves! Ha ha
Below I have a nice compilation of links (and one new recipe!) divided up into food categories, but first I want to share a couple thoughts that I have on planning a successful BBQ:
- Serve lots of appetizers! Your friends are going to be drinking and talking and they?re going to eat more apps than you think they will, so plan accordingly.
- Have lawn games! People like to play games while they?re drinking and talking, before the grill is fired up.
- Don?t overextend yourself! Decide how many guests you?re comfortable having, and draw the line there. If the hostess is stressed out, no one will have fun.
- Planning is everything! Make a spreadsheet- Figure out everything that needs to be done before the first guest arrives, and put yourself on a schedule. Also? Make sure everything is done before the first guest arrives. (See #3)
- Paper plates are lame! Visit your local thrift shops and buy yourself a whole mess of mismatched dinner and dessert plates. I?ve built a huge collection never paying more than $.50 each, so if one breaks I don?t stress about it at all. And the crazier the patterns, the better! They?re fun, a great conversation piece, sturdier than paper, and you?re not contributing to the landfill. Win-win-win-win!
- This is the most important: Invite guests that will love on your dogs!
Cute, right? That little dude spent the whole afternoon loving on my dogs, and in return they taught him how to use their doggy door. Seriously, it was hilarious. If I had kids, I?d have them going in and out of the doggy door all the time, just for my own amusement
But back to the food! Here are a few of my favorites.
What To Make For A Vegan BBQ: Some Ideas?
Serve any of those dishes and I?m pretty sure you?ll be a very popular hostess!
Now let?s talk Tempeh Burgers, shall we?
I?ve been trying to create a veggie or bean burger with Asian flavors for the past month or so, but nothing was really working.? Chickpeas seemed wrong, black beans just seemed weird? What the heck was I going to make my burger with? Then, one day, I was on and saw this article in the side bar. It seemed like the perfect starting point for my asian-style burger! I just wish I knew where they got their enormous chunk of tempeh that could be cut into burgers! My local store carries rectangle pieces that gave me leftovers -which were reincarnated as Curried Tempeh Salad.
Asian-Style Tempeh Burger?(Makes 2-4 burgers)
Recipe adapted from Slate
Note: Once your tempeh is cut into 2 equal squares you can prepare them as is, or you can slice them horizontally through the center to create 4 thinner burgers. I tried the thicker version, and it was just too much for me- but might be great for those with a larger appetite!
- Two 8 ounce packages of tempeh, cut into 2 equal squares (I used about 6 oz from each package, so you might have something a little better in your local stores)
- 1/3 cup Braggs liquid aminos
- 4-5 tablespoons sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon powdered onion
- 1/2 teaspoon powdered garlic
- 1 tablespoon agave
- 2 good pinches of powdered ginger
- 2 teaspoons sriracha
- Dash of sea salt, if desired
- Non-stick spray
- 2 (or 4) hamburger buns, toppings as desired
- Steam the tempeh for 20 minutes.
- In the meantime, mix all other ingredients in a large bowl.? Marinate the tempeh for 30-45 minutes.
- Heat grill to medium, and cook burgers for 7-8 minutes on each side. You want grill marks, but be careful not to let them burn.
Posted in Asian-style, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches | Tagged asian-style, burgers, grilling, tempeh | 11 Comments
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Friday, July 20, 2012
Dependency factor -Spell check - TWB Alumni blog
Spell check is an application that flags words in a document that are spelt incorrectly. It flags words such as ?recieve,? ?seperate,? and ?indispensible,? but not homonyms such as, it?s, its, your, you?re, site,sight and write, rite,right to name a few. Typos and misspellings hamper the quality of documents. Some critics of technology and computers have linked spell checkers to a trend of skill losses in writing, reading, and speaking.
The convenience of computers has led people to become lazy, often not proofreading written work after a simple pass by a spell checker. You should remember that spell check is no substitute for the human brain. Run spell check by all means; but after that proofread your writing before submitting it.
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Steve Byrne Interview: Sullivan And Son Opens For Business ...
Tonight at 10PM (ET), TBS premieres their new original comedy Sullivan & Son with two back-to-back episodes. Much like some of the recent cable TV sitcoms ? the successful ones at least ? Sullivan & Son is a bit of a throwback to a time where a comedy doesn?t necessarily have to be high-concept, but instead, provides a bunch of characters that you?d want to enjoy and welcome into your homes every week? and maybe a few that you?d like to lock your door so they can?t get in.
The show stars comedian Steve Byrne and is executive produced by Vince Vaughn (Wedding Crashers), Peter Billingsley (he?ll shoot his eye out), and Rob Long (Cheers). We had a chance to do an interview with Byrne (no relation) by phone to talk about his new series, which, as we mentioned before, premieres tonight.
The first question asked of Byrne, of course, is how he became involved with the project.
?I?m on this phone right now because of Vince Vaughn,? he explains. ?That?s where it starts, and ends, and everything in between. He?s been an incredibly supportive friend, not only in my stand-up, but with this as well. He?s just awesome. He?s been to a lot of my stand-up shows; he?s had me on his Wild West show, and he said ?Steve, you?re a great comic. Why don?t you create something for yourself? Why don?t you create a vehicle?? I?d never done anything like that before; I?d never written anything other than jokes for myself? and he just said ?you can do it!? And it was a conversation that maybe lasted two minutes, but I looked at him and I said ?Okay.? I went to a bookstore, I bought a bunch of books, I spent three months reading the books and taking notes. I spent another three months writing the pilot, and then I met Rob Long, who executive produced on Cheers, and Rob and I sat for about six months and worked on tailoring the horrible script that I had written, and made it a hell of a lot funnier, and changed it from a diner into a bar, and it?s just been an amazing experience.? Byrne points out that Vaughn and Billingsley have been involved throughout the entire process. ?All of them are so invested in this. Vince and Pete don?t just put their name on it; they?ve been there every step of the way.?
Like his character, Steve Sullivan, Byrne is originally from Pittsburgh, where the show takes place. ?I don?t live there now, but I consider it my hometown. I just love the city. I think it?s reflective of America, where it?s Midwestern values and Blue Collar mentality. I grew up saying ?please? and ?thank you? to everybody, and I hope it?s reflected in the show as well.?
Also regarding Steve Sullivan, ?I think he?s a fish out of water that?s going back into the water,? Steve laughs. ?It?s kind of a weird way to put it, but yeah. I think this show ultimately is driven by the characters. Steve is still the sane man in the insane world. He?s Dean Martin, the bar is Jerry Lewis, and the show is really driven by the scenarios and the situations that these outlandish characters get themselves into or create for themselves. So Steve?s trying to navigate the waters, and trying to kind of steer the ship and help them all get through life together. It truly is a bar that ? it?s an Island of Misfit Toys, and they?re all getting through life together, and they?re there for each other.?
Many of the ?misfit toys? were friends of Byrne?s prior to the start of the series.?The other guys on the show ? Roy Wood Jr., Owen Benjamin, Ahmed Ahmed ? these are actually my real friends in real life,? he explains. ?They?re incredible comedians. We all met each other doing stand up comedy. So when I wrote it, I wrote their names in it, not thinking they?d ever get cast in it, but they?re actually cast in it. They each bring a specific color to the palette. Roy?s the married guy who is a little unhappy with his marriage, but he loves his wife. Owen Benjamin?s kind of the town banana. Ahmed Ahmed?s a tow truck driver that loves older women.?
For every group of guys, there are always a few girls, and on Sullivan and Son, the girl Steve is most interested in would be Melanie, played by Valerie Azlynn. ?Melanie is a girl Steve grew up with. He had a crush on her in middle school. He finds out throughout the series that she had a crush on him as well, and I think we?re going to see where that relationship ends up, and we?re going to keep kicking that can down the road and see what happens with it,? Steve teases.
Essential to building Steve?s TV family was also casting the parents, who are played by Dan Lauria and Jodi Long. ?Jodi Long, who?s my mom, is actually really reflective of my real mother, or a caricature of it, where she?s just really money-conscious. My mom grew up really poor in Korea, and actually met my father like in the show, in a Korean mess hall as a waitress. My father was in the Army. My father in real life is actually a really outgoing Irishman who enjoys having a pint and hanging out with his buddies, and telling stories, and laughing out loud. Dan Lauria does an amazing job at that. He really is kind of the father of the set, where people gravitate towards him. He?s an anchor.?
As the characters, particularly Jodi Long as Steve?s mother, are a bit extreme in the caricature department, ?They?re just over the moon about it. The fact that I used my mom?s real name in it; she?s just beaming, and she can?t believe that her son is on a television show. It?s come a long way from when I started off as a stand-up comedian in New York City. In order to perform at the clubs on open mike nights, you had to bring two paying customers at the door. So, if you bring two paying customers, you?re allotted five minutes on stage. My parents were my two paying customers every weekend for four months when I first got started. So to see from the time I started with horrible jokes, which I probably still have some horrible jokes, to now, where they?re actually visiting me on the set of the Warner Bros. lot, it?s been a tremendous experience for all of us. They?re really beaming, and I?m happy that they?re able to see this.? Steve Byrne?s brother, however, might end up cursing him ? Steve Sullivan?s sister is actually a caricature of his brother. ?I made him a girl, just to further incite hatred,? he laughs, pointing out that he ?just can?t say enough? about the actress playing his sister, Vivien Bang. ?She is so eccentric, and so hilarious, and I think as we go on in these shows, America will fall in love with this girl, as this whole cast has. She is just so damn funny. I can?t glow enough about her. She?s great.?
The parents aren?t the only characters from the older generation that we?ll see. ?[The character played by] Brian Doyle-Murray says things that are off color but grew up kind of almost like that great scene in Gran Torino, where Clint Eastwood brings the young kid into the barber shop, and they just talk about the different minorities in the country but in a fun way. So Hank?s kind of that guy. And then Christine Ebersole, who happens to be Owen?s mother, is a cougar that?s always out on the prowl on our premises. So that?s her hunting grounds,? he says.
?The cast truly does get along. The chemistry you see ? that I hope people see ? is real. This is a cast that does not go off into their dressing rooms as soon as they say ?cut.? We all hang with each other. It?s been great,? he adds.
Is Sullivan and Son the kind of bar that Steve Byrne would hang out at? ?Absolutely,? he says. ?I?m a guy that sees a velvet rope and a guy in a suit with a clipboard, and a bunch of idiots standing out front, I hate those kinds of bars. I like a neighborhood bar. A juke box, a pool table? I like some warmth to it, and I like a good collection of people. Not where it?s just all people in their 20?s, but a place where you see some seniors,? you see some vets, you see some hot girls, you see some cool guys? that?s the kind of bar I like hanging out. That?s just always been my speed. I like a bar where you can have a conversation. Maybe I?m just in my 30?s, but that?s just me.?
Sullivan and Son premieres tonight, July 19, at 10PM (ET) on TBS.
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Sniffing Out The Science Behind Sports Doping
Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
It's been called the dirtiest race in history.
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: (Unintelligible), and Ben Johnson's got a brilliant start. It's Johnson away and clear, and Lewis is not going to catch him. Johnson wins it, Lewis second, Christie third. Christie got the bronze.
FLATOW: The Seoul Olympics in 1988, Canadian Ben Johnson has just set the world record in the men's 100 meters. Three days later, Johnson is stripped of his gold medal after he tests positive for anabolic steroids. Six of the eight athletes participating in that race that day would also test positive for banned substances.
Fast-forward to 2012, 400-meter runner Debbie Dunn resigns from the U.S. Olympic team after she tests positive for excessive testosterone. And seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong fights charges that he used systematic doping to compete.
So the story about athletes getting caught cheating is not a new one. So why do they continue to try to outfox the rules? How do these banned drugs really work, and how are they detected? Chris Cooper is author of "Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat: The Science Behind Drugs in Sport." He's also head of research at the Center for Sports and Exercise Science at University of Essex, and he joins us from Suffolk, England. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.
CHRIS COOPER: Yeah, welcome, Ira, thank you for putting me on.
FLATOW: Why do they feel like they have to cheat?
COOPER: Well, they want to win.
COOPER: I mean I think - and we cheated - I mean we have all these financial scandals in Britain at the moment about people, you know, cheating to get more money. That's just what happens in any way of life. I mean, they're committed to win, they try and cheat. And that's true not just with doping, it's true with anything in life or in sport.
And in soccer people will sometimes handle the ball illegally to stop a goal when they're not the goalkeeper. That's cheating. There's just different kinds of cheating. But it's just cheating, yeah.
FLATOW: All right, we're going to come back, and - we take a short break, we're going to come back and talk lots more with Chris Cooper, author of "Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat: The Science Behind Drugs in Sport." Our number, 1-800-989-8255 if you'd like to talk about this. You can also tweet us @scifri, @-S-C-I-F-R-I, or go to our website at and join the discussion there. We'll be right back after this break.
FLATOW: This is SCIENCE FRIDAY, I'm Ira Flatow. We're talking this hour about sports doping with my guest Chris Cooper, author of "Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat: The Science Behind Drugs in Sport." Chris, is it spy versus spy, as they say? Are the scientists one step behind the athletes in trying to come up with tests to see if they are cheating or not?
COOPER: I think it varies. It is spy versus spy. Sometimes the scientists are ahead, sometimes the athletes ahead. It varies. I mean I would say in some ways the scientists are a bit more ahead at the moment, but of course maybe there's something undetectable we don't know about. But it varies, yeah.
FLATOW: Well, because I asked before, I guess, you know, it's sort of a silly question, why do they cheat. Of course they cheat. But don't - can't we now - you know, look how many years after Lance Armstrong has been accused of using illegal drugs, it's caught up with him. Are we going to be able to catch up with athletes years from now after this Olympics if they were cheating?
COOPER: Well, I obviously can't comment about Lance Armstrong for a range of reasons. But in terms of catching up, yes, what's happening now is that the samples are being stored for a length of time, you know, legally, so for eight years the samples are stored, the blood samples, the urine samples are stored, and all the data is stored, and they've got new ways of capturing all the molecules, I mean with these new what are called metabolomic techniques.
So I think if you take a drug now actually at the Olympic Games that you think won't be detected, it just needs somebody in your entourage to squeal about what that undetectable drug is, which has happened in the past, and then you can be retested.
So I mean I made the flippant comment to a journalist, rather silly to say, that we should wait for eight years to give out the medals, then we know everyone's (unintelligible) tested. But I don't really mean that, but the samples are kept for eight years. We can test later on, yeah.
FLATOW: In the book, why do you say that although it's hard to say unequivocally that the fastest man on Earth will run faster on steroids, it's much easier to make this statement about the fastest woman?
COOPER: Well, put crudely, we know men run faster than women. That's - it doesn't need much science to show that. And anything that makes a woman more like a man will increase how fast they can run. And we know that androgenic anabolic steroids, which are the male sex hormone, things like testosterone, have an effect on muscle mass. In women there's a much bigger range for them to improve their muscle mass.
So it's much easier to see that. And we have really good data from the East German doping program, when the Berlin Wall came down, showing that, much bigger effects in female athletes than in male athletes.
FLATOW: Let's talk about some of the things that athletes might try to do or have done. What is blood doping?
COOPER: So blood doping covers a range of programs and cheating programs, all designed to increase the number of red blood cells in your body. And it's the red blood cells that carry the oxygen around the body. And when you're doing long-distance events, things like 5,000 meters, 10,000 meters, Tour de France, you are limited by how much oxygen physically is in your blood.
So what blood doping does, it aims to increase the number of red blood cells. It's what athletes do when they do altitude training, only taken to an extreme.
FLATOW: I just want to correct something, a misimpression I might have made before. Lance Armstrong has been charged but not convicted of any wrongdoing, and...
COOPER: And also in that first 100 meters, six people were not - did not test positive for drugs, but they all have at some point been implicated. So you have to be careful when you...
FLATOW: Thank you.
FLATOW: Thank you very much for making that point. But is it safe to assume with all these stories that there are athletes who are still trying, going to try to cheat?
COOPER: I'm sure there are. I mean, as you've just found, you've just given a story about the U.S. athlete, Debbie Dunn, and we just caught recently a British athlete at the Tour de France, Frank Schleck has just tested positive. So they will all still try to cheat. I think sometimes, some sports there's less cheating, and there is a culture of cheating you can reduce(ph).
So I think the Tour de France is undoubtedly, I would say, cleaner now for a range of reasons than it was, and that's partly a very aggressive and targeted expensive testing program and partly an education program. So it fluctuates. But there will always be individuals - I think when it gets really bad is when you get the sort of organized cheating, because then they get good at it because then there's a big team behind them.
The East Germans did that, and in the Tour de France, that was clearly happening in the past. So that's the real concern. Individuals will always try (unintelligible) coaches and athletes to cheat. But it's the organized stuff that's really dangerous to sport.
FLATOW: Let's talk about human growth hormone, because that's big here in the States. That was talked about a lot with baseball players. How effective is human growth hormone?
COOPER: Well, that's a really good question, and I think the answer for scientists is that we just don't know. The data that we have from the laboratory is sort of equivocal. I mean, you can show that muscle mass is - it goes up, but it doesn't appear to correlate with strength. So you get bigger muscles, but a lot of it is water retention.
So what we would say as scientists, in the limited amount we can do, is we don't see human growth hormone having effect on putting on muscle mass - which is strength, which is what people use it for, or claim to use it for. But what we can't say for sure is that we don't do - we're not allowed, obviously, to do research on elite athletes because they would be banned, and also we can't give the same levels of doses sometimes.
So it is quite difficult as a sort of - my normal scientific career, I can test things properly. In doping in sport, it's difficult to test. So - but the evidence of human growth hormone is much less strong than the evidence for anabolic steroids that it's effective.
FLATOW: So it might be much ado about nothing?
COOPER: It might be. I mean, of course, there is a very strong placebo effect in taking a drug that no one else has got and that it's banned, and you're injecting it. So there's huge importance in improved performance even if something is not having an effect on your biochemistry.
FLATOW: You say that when we talk about stimulants, take amphetamines and you feel can run faster; take caffeine and you actually will run faster.
COOPER: Yeah, well, that's, again, laboratory studies. And we've done - there's a reason, we've got a data set on amphetamines and a lot of data on caffeine. And clearly what I mean by that is that amphetamines give you - because they're a recreational drug, they give you this feeling of high. Caffeine doesn't. So if you take a lot of caffeine, just your heartbeat goes up, and you feel - but the actual effect on fatigue - by fatigue I mean what stops you really competing at the highest level - appears to be stronger in caffeine than in amphetamine, from what we can see in the laboratory.
FLATOW: So why is it not banned then?
COOPER: All sorts of potential reasons. It's - so caffeine is a drug, but it is not considered to be against the spirit of sport because it's taken - a drug, it's in society. We all take it. And one of the reasons you have to be banned is you have to be harmful to health or against the spirit of sport.
So the organization that chooses, the World Anti-doping Agency, doesn't consider caffeine now to be against the spirit of sport. They did in the past. And that's very much a judgment call, and part of the reason I wrote the book was to enable more people to understand the science and to be able to be involved in those judgment calls, which I think are important.
FLATOW: Chris Cooper, the book he's speaking about is "Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat: The Science Behind Sports in Drugs." Can altering a single gene dramatically improve sports performance? And might we just see, you know, gene-altering things happening now?
COOPER: Well, gene doping is the big sexy topic, if you like, for drugs in sports. It's one I get asked a lot about. We do know from certain individuals that gene doping, you know, a single gene can make a difference, and there's one very famous example, a guy called Eero Mantyranta, who was a Finnish cross-country skier, who had an altered gene that enabled him to have more red blood cells, and therefore it was like he was naturally blood doping. And he won five gold medals, three Olympics, two world championships.
He was, you know, a single mutant. So you're looking at sort of a mutation of one individual. But it's much more general than what you'll get in a combination of genes. We know a lot of genes, up to 200, affect performance, and it'll be some combination. So it's relatively rare to get a single gene that has an effect.
It doesn't mean you couldn't design that and work on it, but it's relatively rare.
FLATOW: But it can be done? I mean, people - you're saying people are working on this.
COOPER: Well, scientists are working on trying to improve muscle mass because there are - in certain diseases. So there are animal studies trying to improve muscle mass for a range of diseases. It turns out that that's not a very popular or sort of huge pharmaceutical need for that. So there's not a huge number of scientists working on that.
But there are some who have injected compound genes into muscle in animals and shown an increase in muscle mass, but it should be said that gene therapy works in animals, where you have people who are ill for a single gene, like cystic fibrosis, and you could cure those sorts of things in animal models. It doesn't seem to work in humans.
So I'm fairly easy about whether I think, you know, when gene doping will be effective. I think people might be trying it. I think it's unlikely. But I also think it's very unlikely to be effective, really.
FLATOW: Let me go to a quick question from Chuck in Lansing, Michigan. Hi, Chuck.
CHUCK: Yeah, hi. You actually brought this up earlier. The effect of training at altitude is to increase the number of red blood cells in your body. Taking your own blood out, saving out your cells and putting them back in later is physiologically doing exactly the same thing. Why is one legal and the other one not?
COOPER: Well, it's a rule. So it's - so there are rules in sport in the same way that there are rules in other parts of life. So you know, why are there four quarters in a football game rather than, you know, three? So it is a rule...
COOPER: Well, it's a rule. So it's - so there are rules in sport, in the same way as there are rules in other parts of life. So, you know, why there are four quarters in a football game rather than, you know, three. So it is a rule. And the question is, why is that rule there? And you have to look at historically and the ways of people who decide these things, and they generally tend to ban things that are medical. They don't like drugs, and they don't like - so blood transfusion is a medical procedure.
They don't really like that, whereas altitude training is not a medical procedure. Seems to be seen to be more in the spirit of sport. So personally, I think there's a, you know, it's an arbitrary rule. I do think altitude training, as long as you can deal with the altitude, is unlikely to be damaging to health. But if you get blood transfusions wrong, you know, you can have a problem. So there is that argument, but it is an arbitrary - a relatively arbitrary rule. Athletes do lots of - as you heard from - in the technological chapter, the discussion previously, lots of things athletes and their coach and engineers do to improve performance, you know, very, very high-tech. So you can argue, why do we do that with blood transfusion? It's just a rule that they decide they don't like it, and we can decide that, you know?
FLATOW: Yeah. We can change that if you like.
FLATOW: Chris Cooper, thank you very much - author of "Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat: The Science Behind Drugs in Sport," a great book, especially now for - this Olympics coming up. Thanks, Chris, for joining us today.
COOPER: Thank you.
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One of the expensive items in a kitchen remodel is your appliances. Remember to buy them in matching colors so they do not contrast each other. Also try to keep them in timeless styles, while you may love the stainless steel appliance look, does it really go with your kitchen decor? If you can, make them blend in with your cabinetry for a fantastic seamless look.
With any new home improvement project you need to consider what the savings are going to be from doing the renovation. Sometimes you have to spend money to save money. The new appliances are highly energy efficient, so choose the right ones that will save you in the long run. Consider putting extra insulation in the attic to save on heating and cooling.
Make sure you are aware of the amount of debris that results from your remodeling project, and ensure you have enough space for it. Any project that requires removing existing fixtures or building materials creates a lot of debris. When you know where you are going to store it and how you are going to get rid of it, you prevent running into a situation where you do not have enough space or funds set aside to cover the cost of debris removal.
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Home improvement projects create images of buckets filled with paint, dust, construction, and other stressful ideas. While this is one type of home improvement project, not all are so involved. Start with small things, like remodeling a guest bathroom, to see if it is something that you have the capacity for.
While printing up a full budget for every project is always smart, always add a little extra to your final price even if you think you have everything covered. It?s better to be ready for the unexpected if it occurs than to have your whole project stalled because you?re short a few dollars.
A great way to let outdoor light inside your kitchen is by using minimal window coverings. Using dark drapery and valances can block out natural lighting and make your kitchen appear dark. Using a light colored curtain or sheer, can be a great help in lighting up your kitchen, the natural way.
When remodeling your kitchen or bath it may be wise not to do it yourself. These projects are extensive, time consuming, and much more involved than other home improvement projects. Often times it will actually save you money to hire a handy man or other licensed professional rather than take on these potentially monumental endeavors yourself.
Carefully examine the benefits of rental equipment before securing it for a home improvement project. Any repair or renovation job can be made faster and easier by renting purpose-built equipment. Such equipment is not always economical, though. Before laying out money for rentals the canny homeowner will weigh the savings in time and effort the equipment offers against the expense the equipment adds to a home improvement project.
Make visible changes. Invisible changes are great for your home, but if it ever comes time to sell, you do not want to have to explain why you installed fantastic heating systems but did not fix your shutters. Keep in mind that visibility sells. You want to be at the top of the market.
When deciding to do home renovations on a budget, allow for an extra 10% for cost overruns. It is inevitable that any home improvement project is going to have things happen that just cannot be accounted for in the beginning. So, include this extra 10% so you do not go out of your budget.
Some people hear the words home improvement and automatically think disaster, but this doesn?t necessarily have to be the case. You are going to hit snags in most home improvement projects, so if you are attempting to tackle the plumbing, you might want to leave that to the professionals, to avoid a major home improvement blunder. A good rule of thumb is if your not sure ask.
You have now learned the exact definition of home improvement, and been given some wonderful tips on what to do when improving your house. Have fun with any project that you engage in. Any time you improve the way your house looks, coming home after a long day at work will be a more enjoyable experience.
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Comply to these 4 Steps for a Leak-Proof Residence
It'll be a disbelief if you reside within Atlanta, Georgia and notice water moving on your partitions. If it occurs, that's the positive warning there's a leak or even more on your roof structure. Undoubtedly these water leaks have to be closed quick, while they must be located first. What is equally unexpected is if that occurs through summer months in Atlanta. Essentially summer season is mostly sunlight and heat, however Atlanta's moist subtropical climate could potentially cause unexpected thunderstorms. It's simple to comprehend if perhaps you're doubtful how you can search for water leaks just by simply looking up. If perhaps you're up to it, listed here are four suggestions toassist you to find a trickle on the home's roof top.
Work with a hose
An ordinary garden hose will work to test for leakages. Go up to the roof and make a pretend section of the entire roof. Place your hose per spot and have somebody in the home to check if they see water leaks or perhaps water flowing on the partitions. Or perhaps, point your garden hose on the roof structure and spray just as if it's raining, starting with the lowest level and steadily moving up.
Remember gravity
As the law of gravity says, "What goes up must come down." However gravity is the thing that pulls the water down as it travels on the roof. Try to examine down rafters, the chimney, as well as joints for any leakages. Moreover, check these slantways as well as side to side to better see the root of the drip.
Move tag team
If you can, look for a tag team companion to battle on the roof for water leaks. At times using an extra pair of skilled eyes will help you discover water leaks in places that could have been overlooked. Atlanta roofers are capable of doing this best and may save you time and effort.
Look into the attic room
In case you have an loft, pay attention to water leaks, as well. Besides water leaks on the roof or perhaps within the attic room, check if you can locate black marks, water stains, as well as mold growth as these occur in spots where water streams. A number of Atlanta roofing contractors suggest going to the attic room to confirm these.
Searching for leaks on your roof top can be quite difficult and in some cases risky particularly if you need to climb on your roof structure. Sooner or later, it is better to see a roofing contractor Atlanta homeowners count on to test the general shape of the roof top. Read more about roof structure water leaks from and
For more details, search atlanta roofers, atlanta roofing contractors and roofing contractor Atlanta in Google for related information.
Keywords: atlanta roofers, atlanta roofing contractors, roofing contractor Atlanta
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