Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vitamins and nutritional supplements to reduce allergy symptoms

Allergic symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing and watery eyes can make life very miserable. It is so important to find ways to reduce the symptoms so that you can lead a better quality of life. One of the most effective ways to stimulate the immune system to fight allergies with vitamins and supplements is long. Here are a few:

? Vitamin C. Vitamin C can act as a mild antihistamine, which can help to have less> Symptoms of allergies when it comes into contact with a specific allergen. Two to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin can be taken throughout the day, is to help the antihistamine properties in the course of the day, because vitamin C from the body after 4-6 hours later excreted in divided doses.

? Beta-carotene. This vitamin acts on the immune system to strengthen the help fight off course by histamine or allergic reaction to certain allergens. Some foodsnaturally contain beta-carotene, including deep orange vegetables and fruits such as melon or papaya. You can eat these foods or you can choose to take a supplement of beta-carotene.

? Magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to facilitate breathing. It helps to reduce the reaction in the lung constriction. If this was one of your allergy symptoms, then magnesium could be an excellent choice for your allergy diet.

? Vitamin E. Vitamin Eis known as an antioxidant that helps to consolidate and strengthen the effect of the immune system. It was very effective in studies to reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, an inflammatory reaction in the nose, eyes and throat, which is caused by exposure to allergens.

? Vitamin B complex. Studies have shown that the intake of vitamin B complex to help allergy symptoms by half. This is an important finding because it can move more allergiesSymptoms down to a practical level, which is easier to handle. Some patients saw their symptoms to decrease to almost zero, which they can live a normal life for the first time.

Vitamins allergies, the immune system, strengthen your body so that it works better than before. You can help to reduce the histamine response when the body comes in contact with the offending allergen. The intake of vitamins and nutritional supplements is very highPrevention healthier than treating themselves with over-the-counter medications and / or prescription drugs. Be sure to check with your doctor to take one of the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals and their recommended dosage before consumption.


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