Thursday, May 19, 2011

Self-Care Beyond Trauma

When I arrived at the hospital I had no clue what kind of condition I would find my teenage daughter. All I knew was that she was involved in a serious automobile accident during her school lunch break. There was a small crowd of teenagers, high school personnel and parents who had already gathered in the corridor. I was quickly taken to a private waiting area where my husband, Richard, met me. We waited for what seemed an eternity.

The doctor finally came in to talk to us. Still in a state of shock, I was listening to his words, but nothing was registered in my head. Tanya had died in a helicopter and was in critical condition. She had suffered severe brain damage and did not know if it would survive.

We were escorted in trauma units. Tanya's face was swollen and she had blood in her hair. It was a lot of tubes to a heart monitor and respirator. Suspended between life and death was almost unrecognizable.

My attention was entirely onTanya. This was a moment so critical and I felt she needed me more than ever. It turned out that the rehabilitation would be long and difficult. More than four months in hospital and many years in the footsteps of rehabilitation.

As you concentrate on Tanya was a big mistake on my part. If I could do it again, I would be aware of my sons and husbands needs. I spent most days in the hospital for rehabilitation and for the duration of his stay. Well, I wish I couldspend more time with my children and husband, and heard their fears and needs. More importantly, I would of taken care of. When I came home after I was born with little energy to spare.

Our family has survived and eventually thrived, but I can tell you if I only two things that my family would travel in better shape to survive.

The saying "hindsight is always 20/20" is so true. the nature of the development of a mother is one of theare our greatest asset, but also our biggest downfall. If you are tired and exhausted, the reality is that you can not serve others well.

Take care of yourself first, not an act of selfishness, as I thought. It is a necessity. It is really an act of love, manifested by more energy, joy and appreciation for life, you and your family. You are worthwhile and, above all ? You deserve it!


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