Sunday, October 9, 2011

Branding and Your Marketing Plan | The Blog of 4QR Business ...

What is the brand of you and your company?? A brand can encompass many things, such as colors, a logo, an image, and the personality of an organization.? A brand can be embodied in a product, service, person, place, or an experience.? Companies may have a corporate brand in their name, culture, and activities.? Individual products may have a more specific brand.?

Brand?provides exclusivity.? A brand helps people to have one consistent position about what that organization is about and what benefits they offer.? Whether a person is employed within an organization or does business with the organization, he or she develops a perception about that organization based on the brand.? A good brand not only influences the way he or she thinks about that brand but commands loyalty.

So now that you are thinking about your brand, what is it telling you?? Is it giving your clients, employees, and others the perception you want it to give?? An important part of your marketing strategy should be centered on how you are going to develop your brand and promote this brand to the public.? The name of your company, the appearance of your store or office, the way you and your employees dress, how you and your employees act, the packaging of your product, the timing of your service ? all these things and more contribute to your brand.? And as people experience what you are offering in these things, they are getting an impression that is then remembered every time they look at your logo, business card, website, advertisements, social media, and more.? What they remember depends on how well and how consistently you promote that brand.

When you create a brand, you want a well thought out message and image.? Do you have a logo or tag line that helps you to share this message and image with the public?? What does your vision or mission statement say?? If you are self branding, do you include a photo image on your marketing materials?? Do all of these forms of promotion support one another in an accurate branding?? These are some of the questions you should be considering when discussing branding in your marketing plan.? And once you get a good understanding of what your brand is synonymous with, evaluate your branding tactics.? Your marketing plan should include a review of the current situation your company is in now with an understanding of your market.? It should help you to realize what you need to do to be the brand name of choice in the industry you are in.

Audra Gerger has worked in management positions, starting in small business and then in the corporate environment, for more than 20 years. She has been a business owner since 2004, when she founded 4QR Environmental Solutions, Inc. 4QR Business Solutions is a Division of the environmental company and was started so Ms. Gerger can share her extensive management, leadership and business entreprenuerial knowledge as a consultant. In addition to consulting, Ms. Gerger uses her technical writing and computer knowledge to assist business people with writing business plans, policies and procedures, developing various programs and creating training modules. She also provides training on business matters, including leadership and management.


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